Monthly Archives: June 2015

Low-Income People Are Less Likely To Try Alternative Medicine: Study

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  And it is NOT due to cost! This new study published by PLOS ONE 2015 (Public Library of Science) looks at data from 2007 and finds that the reason people on low-income neglect (CAM) complementary and alternative medicine is not due to cost but due to lack of knowledge. This article from ‘Medical Daily’ raises the issue can people in CAM do more to educate and does this also reflect a deficiency in marketing.  

Genetic limitations – Don’t believe the hype

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The BIGGEST determinant of Longevity As reported in Journal of Gerontology – Idler E. & Kasl S (1991) Health perceptions and survival, the biggest determinant of longevity is: What people ‘think’ about their health ! The more in control people think they are, the more confident they feel that there is something that can positively affect their health and the more they think that what they do actually makes a difference – regardless of what they do, the greater the positive […]