Doors Close on Friday 26th May
Well done for taking part in The Inspired Practitioner Course regardless of how much content you have completed.
Now that we have experienced some time working together and have some shared insight on mind-body intelligence in disease, you have the basis to take this further to enhance your practise and your daily life.
‘Mastery’ is available to you if you want to continue this journey with Trevor and enjoy the added bonus of like-minded community support.
Developing on what you have already learnt in The Inspired Practitioner course, we will be looking at other conditions and show how they connect with other disease processes.
Giving you full explanations in medical terms along with a holistic perspective.
We shall continue to illuminate the mechanisms behind the intelligence of the body in disease, illustrating how all the systems of the mind and body work to keep you well.
Ongoing monthly payment of:
You’ll get access to the Facebook group and Resource Library on Saturday 27th May
The Next Live Lecture will be on Wednesday 7th June
Pay £37 now to join and automatically each month therafter.
You can cancel at anytime.
This ongoing support will be structured with one 2-hour live session every two weeks on a Wednesday morning 10am – 12 noon.
The first session will be a live lecture and 2 weeks later, a live Q and A session where you can have any questions answered.
Some lectures will give information about specific illnesses and how to interpret them within the paradigm of holistic pathology; looking at real causes, the intelligence behind the symptoms, what to add in addition to your therapy and how to enrol your patients on their healing journey.
Some lectures will be on practitioner development, looking at how to overcome your psychological obstacles for a more successful practice.
We are also adding a new collaborative style lecture…..
We have added some new collaborative lectures.
You will help choose the illness that will be covered in each of these collaborative sessions.
As a group, you will contribute to the content of the lecture and learn how to re-frame allopathic pathology into a more holistic framework.
We will collect top tips from all participants from a wide variety of therapy backgrounds and we will discover how to create a healing journey out of this specific disease to health for your patients.
Importantly, together we will create a language that helps you to educate your patients and develop resources to enable you to promote to prospective patients.
Ongoing monthly payment of:
Pay £37 now to join and automatically each month therafter.
You can cancel at anytime.
You’ll get access to the Facebook group and Resource Library on Saturday 27th May
First Live Lecture will be on Wednesday 7th June
When does it start?
You’ll get access to the Facebook Support Group and the Resource Library on Saturday 27th May.
The first Live Lecture will be on Wednesday 7th June at 10am to 12noon.
Will the live sessions be via Zoom?
Yes. All live sessions will be hosted via Zoom and stored in New Zenler (which is exactly where The Inspired Practitioner Course was hosted).
We use Zoom rather than Facebook to host our live sessions to avoid censoring within Facebook.
How long will Mastery run for?
Mastery is a monthly ongoing support and mentorship which we plan to run indefinitely. All the time you are happy with it, receiving the support you need and it works for us too, then we do not have an end date.
How long do we need to pay £37 for?
You need to pay £37 all the time you want to be part of Mastery. If you choose to leave, then just cancel your payment and you will have ongoing support until the date that your next payment is due.
You can cancel at anytime.