Eczema also known as dermititis is a chronic (persistent) skin condition characterised by inflammation, causing redness, dry flaking skin and very often, mild to intense itching. It is not considered to be an infectious illness and does not pass from one person to the next.
Eczema can be mild, (with few symptoms and little irritation), to severe, where there is intense itching, deep cracking, bleeding and fluid discharge from the cracks of the skin, exacerbated by the urge to scratch the affected areas. It is more common in children (1 in 5 in the UK) than adults (1 in 12 in the UK) and has a tendency to resolve as children get older.
There are several components to the condition, most people will have an inherited pre-disposition to eczema, of these people there will usually need to be an environmental trigger to bring on the symptoms of eczema, the greater the susceptibility to eczema the less of an environmental trigger will be needed to bring on the symptoms.
Once there is a susceptibility to eczema there is usually a break-down in the skin and other membranes of the body which then more easily allows toxins into the system. This can be directly through the skin e.g. chemical pollutants, detergents, even some food substances which aggravate the condition. Addititonally food substances and additives in food taken internally can get across the mucous membranes of the digestive tracts and get into the blood system, which eventually aggravates the skin.
Therefore there are commonly ‘sensitivities’ to other substances that manifest as other symptoms of allergies in addition to symptoms of eczema. Medication such as steroids, taken as topical creams or as medicines internally, will suppress the reaction of eczema because these medicines mimic the natural immune suppressing hormones of the body. However, although they are useful in the relief they give, these medicines do not resolve the condition, often the skin can become thinner and other conditions such as asthma and other allergies can result. It is necessary for the individual to heal their membrane permeability and to resolve the tendency to create these persistent inflammatory reactions so they can operate drug free with stronger membranes.
In children there is the added stress of emotional separation that more easily adds to their pre-disposition of inflammatory skin reactions (both chronic, as with eczema, and acute, such as childhood measles), there is a correlation between illnesses that manifest in the ectodermal tissue and separartion conflict. Separation is of course an issue that a child has to learn to deal with in their ongoing growth and development, and so these illnesses are often indicative of struggles in their emotional as well as physical being. With an appropriate exposure to these challenges and with suitable physical and emotional encouragement, children can learn to overcome these illnesses. It is therefore vital that people’s physical and emotional reactions are not simply repressed.
One scenario that can lead to eczema would be weaning a child too early from the breast and giving the child a milk formula or other food that they are unable to digest fully. To help resolve this the child may need more contact and reassurance from mother and more suitable foods (pre-digested, additon of digestive enzymes etc) together with the appropriate remedies to shift them out of this chronic reaction.
Vaccines can also place toxins in the blood that the child is unable to eliminate and therefore vaccinations can create an illness that the child is unable to resolve, leading to persistent low level inflammation of the skin and other membranes e.g. lung (asthma) and digestive tracts (leaky gut).
Is there any evidence of this when comparing actual disease rates in vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals? On June 29, 1996 the Lancet reported on medical studies showing that children with a history of natural illnesses such as measles, mumps and rubella were less likely to suffer with allergies in later life. Researchers from Southampton General Hospital in the UK now confirm this, discovering that:
Children with a history of measles suffer less from allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema and hay fever when compared to vaccinated individuals.
To understand more fully about the issue of internal toxicity leading to acute and chronic skin reactions read an extract of the book ‘The Science of Health & Healing’ click here.
To help resolve these issues, as a homeopath, I would be looking at the nature of each specific eczema, (where on the body, sensation, when is it better or worse), inherited patterns of illness, possible environmental and food sensitivities, other symptoms, as well as any emotional issues. We can advise on lifestyle adjustments and supplements, together with homeopathic remedies to shift patterns of illness that the patient has become stuck in, either from their own unresolved issues or those inherited from their parents.
There is much to learn about the significance of illnesses and why they happen, there is a lot of information about these kinds of illnesses available in my book about Vaccines and more details about the significance of illness in my book The Science of Health & Healing… however if you are interested in working with a practitoner then a suitably qualified holistic practitioner is probably the next step, click here for information about my practice or click here for a registered homeopath available near you in the UK.
With best wishes on your health journey
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