Some of the most useful books that have helped me to understand vaccine issues have been those that deal with the underlying concepts. The development of germ theory, the science and history, is essential to understanding the development and rationale of vaccines: ‘Pasteur Exposed’ by Ethel D. Hume (easier to get from the USA) or ‘Pasteur or Bechamp’ by Ethel D. Hume (more easily accessed in UK).
More recently ‘Fear of the Invisible’ by Janine Roberts is a more up to date account of the science behind virus research and vaccine development. This book tells us what many of the research scientists know about vaccines and what Government health agencies have discovered but have not publicised.
‘Virus Mania’ by Torsten Engelbrecht & Claus Köhnlein looks at the marketing of vaccines for the new epidemics, Bird Flu, Sars, Cervical Cancer and exposes the pharmaceutical ‘science’ behind the money, and how all of that influences health policy.
For an understanding of how basic research is carried out, the structures behind the journals and how Pharmaceutical companies tie into the fabric of those organisations: ‘The Truth About the Drug Companies’ by Marcia Angell MD former editor in Chief at The New England Journal of Medicine and a member of Harvard Medical School’s Department of Social Medicine.
In order to make headway with the vaccine issue a vital pre-requisite is to be able to understand what you are being told, to be able to see what is being left out and to understand what the information doesn’t say, then we can get the significance of what is being said. I feel it is of no use juggling polar opposite views from different people asking you to just trust them, this is your journey and I believe a very valuable one when we learn, how to learn; from information that we find, and more importantly from what we experience.
Then probably the most significant factors influencing your choices will be emotional, how fearful you are about the issues surrounding your particular decision. The fear of disease can blind you into accepting stories from anyone around you, especially those that exploit your fear. To overcome this requires a journey to understand, and experience; how to reduce your susceptibility to disease, how you can safely overcome disease, and how you develop from the process and ultimately move away from serious disease. It’s important to work with health practitioners that you trust and to start your own personal journey to improved health and well-being regardless of your vaccine decision.
There is much to learn about the significance of illnesses and why they happen, there is a lot of information about these issues available in my book about Vaccines and more details about the significance of illness in my book The Science of Health & Healing… if you are interested in embarking on holistic treatment, click here for information about my treatment philosophy.
With best wishes on your health journey
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