The Clever Thing About Diabetes!

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The following is an article written mainly for homeopaths and other holistic health professionals wanting a wider perspective on the implications of blood sugar issues … is there intelligence behind our responses in disease and would an understanding of that help our patients? To skip the homeopathic practitioner bit, go straight to  Type 2 Diabetes … here Homeopathy and Holistic Pathology We spend a number of years at college doing our best to make the paradigm shift, to understand that […]

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Holistic child health course – Coming Soon

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            I often witness individual health problems arise, (some very serious and long-term), because of a simple lack of knowledge in the early stages… and I have also seen considerable improvement in health and well-being of children when their health issues are managed with some simple holistic health strategies. I am therefore passing on the information that has been passed on to me by my teachers, patients and my experience, giving parents the ‘how and why’ of […]

Being unvaccinated doesn’t protect you from disease either – so what’s the alternative?

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I gave a response to a newspaper article about diphtheria and the following question arose from my initial post: Question But Trevor, there is nothing in your response regarding the fact that this kid did not have the vaccine and he died, and the only other case in London was in 2008 and also affected an unvaccinated child. So, I am just wondering, does this vaccine work, did the kid have any underlying conditions, is this one of the diseases […]

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Low-Income People Are Less Likely To Try Alternative Medicine: Study

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  And it is NOT due to cost! This new study published by PLOS ONE 2015 (Public Library of Science) looks at data from 2007 and finds that the reason people on low-income neglect (CAM) complementary and alternative medicine is not due to cost but due to lack of knowledge. This article from ‘Medical Daily’ raises the issue can people in CAM do more to educate and does this also reflect a deficiency in marketing.  

Genetic limitations – Don’t believe the hype

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The BIGGEST determinant of Longevity As reported in Journal of Gerontology – Idler E. & Kasl S (1991) Health perceptions and survival, the biggest determinant of longevity is: What people ‘think’ about their health ! The more in control people think they are, the more confident they feel that there is something that can positively affect their health and the more they think that what they do actually makes a difference – regardless of what they do, the greater the positive […]

Travel – Vaccines or Not ?

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For those of you not wanting to take travel vaccines I am often asked what I would advise and if I give homeopathic alternatives. There are of course therapists that prescribe homeopathic remedies as an alternative to vaccines, generally those covering the common childhood issues. The idea here is to give a pre-defined programme of what is termed ‘nosodes’ (remedies made from disease products) that stimulate an existing susceptibility to an illness. If such a remedy does bring out a […]

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Pregnancy & vaccines?

I was recently asked by a lady in early pregnancy what I thought about vaccinations for pregnant women, given that she was being offered vaccines in the near future. I found it difficult to conceal my dismay that such a thing was now happening to women in pregnancy, when most of the science shows that this is potentially very dangerous to the unborn child and mother, and for questionable benefit. Immune stresses of any sort during pregnancy are dangerous, the […]

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BRIGHTON: Holistic health-care course for parents

Title: BRIGHTON: Holistic health-care course for parents Location: The Brighton Steiner School, Roedean Rd, Brighton, BN2 5RA Description: REMOVE YOUR FEAR OF CHILDHOOD ILLNESS: A three-part course designed for parents to help them manage the health & illness of their children in a positive way, one that enhances the child’s physical and emotional well-being. Start Time: 5.30pm Date: NEW DATES COMING SOON End Time: 7.00pm For more information click here

Why drugs that work, don’t work.

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Drugs that work, don’t actually work!   Alan Cassels drug policy researcher at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, has recently published his book “Seeking Sickness: Medical Screening and the Misguided Hunt for Disease“ he shows how individuals that are not actually sick could experience more harm than benefit from so-called health screening. These health screens will often place individuals on medication for conditions that may never have manifested any symptoms, in addition the various screening processes and scans, […]

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