Category Archives: Uncategorized

Holistic child health course – Coming Soon

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            I often witness individual health problems arise, (some very serious and long-term), because of a simple lack of knowledge in the early stages… and I have also seen considerable improvement in health and well-being of children when their health issues are managed with some simple holistic health strategies. I am therefore passing on the information that has been passed on to me by my teachers, patients and my experience, giving parents the ‘how and why’ of […]

Low-Income People Are Less Likely To Try Alternative Medicine: Study

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  And it is NOT due to cost! This new study published by PLOS ONE 2015 (Public Library of Science) looks at data from 2007 and finds that the reason people on low-income neglect (CAM) complementary and alternative medicine is not due to cost but due to lack of knowledge. This article from ‘Medical Daily’ raises the issue can people in CAM do more to educate and does this also reflect a deficiency in marketing.