There are numerous sources of supplements in local shops and on the internet, I have a few trusted sources:
Cytoplan are an experienced & well established company in the UK producing ‘Food State’ supplements for adults and children, so their products are as close to the natural food product as possible, therefore more potent than synthetic vitamins and more readily absorbed – as they say, more ‘bio-available’. Visit them here at
A favourite childrens remedy of mine which includes vitamin D3 for strong, bones, teeth, immune function and many other issues are the Animal Parade vitamins made by Natures Plus. There is a multiflavoured version that allows you to figure out which flavour your child likes best and single flavoured pots also available once you know the favourite flavour, they can be bought in the UK, one reliable source I have found is The Nutri Centre here’s the link to the multiflavoured version.
Another useful food supplement to combat our culture of excess sugar, grain and demineralised food sources are the ‘Blue Ice’ cod-liver oil supplements from Green Pastures. They have many years experience in the science of fermented cod-liver oil, which is a very potent source of vitamin A and D. A great UK source of this and other useful products is Red 23 supplier of organic health food products.
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